Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin sterilized disposable needles into specific spots to stimulate the body to heal itself. By stimulating specific points, also called acupuncture points, on the body with heat, pressure, or very fine needles, your acupuncturist will be able to restore your body in homeostasis, thus resolving symptoms and reversing disease.
Q: Do you do dry needling and what is dry needling?
We have an unique approach to treat the patients with integrative therapies including trigger point needling (dry needling), exercise therapy, manual therapy as well as other techniques to get patients back in the game as soon as possible.
"Dry Needling" or "Intra Muscular Therapy" is an acupuncture technique used to release specific painful points in the body. Another common name for this is trigger point acupuncture or Sports Acupuncture. Through careful orthopedic assessment and palpation these points are identified and treated based on each patient's needs. Dry Needling is an evidence based method of acupuncture where through the mechanical irritation of specific points elicits a "twitch response". Trigger point needling can lead to increased range of motion, decreased pain, and shortened healing time of injuries.
Q: How Does it Work?
Traditional explanations of acupuncture involve your body includes a network of channels that contain the flow of Qi (Vital Energy), like a watershed holds the flow of water. Needling specific acupuncture points affects on improving the flow of Qi in the body to restore health.
In terms of physiology and biochemistry, acupuncture has been shown to stimulate near the nerves (needles are not inserted directly into nerves) and connective tissue resulting nervous system to create systemic changes in the body. This improved function results in the body producing its own natural chemicals involved in pain relief (like endorphin) and the reduction of inflammation as well as releasing neurotransmitters that create a feeling of relaxation and well-being.
Q: Does it Hurt?
When administered by a licensed practitioner, acupuncture is a very safe form of therapy. For most people, acupuncture causes minimal to no pain. A patient may feel a slight prick similar to a mosquito bite when the needle is first inserted. Acupuncture needles are size of a cat's whisker and are nothing like the hypodermic needles used to give injections or draw blood at a doctor's office.
Q: What Can I Expect During My Acupuncture Visit?
Be sure to eat a small meal a few hours before your treatment and dress in comfortable clothing that can easily be rolled up to the elbows and knees.
During a typical first visit, your acupuncturist will take a detailed health history, fully assess your chief complaint, perform a physical exam, which includes looking at your tongue and examining your pulse, and determine a differential diagnosis for you. From this, a treatment plan is designed and administered. This plan may include acupuncture as well as adjunctive techniques, such as cupping, bodywork, electro acupuncture, dry needling, trigger point work or heat therapy.
First visit may take up to 45 minutes to create an individualized treatment plan that addresses your health condition. Follow up treatments will be adapted to your progress and will generally last about 25-30 minutes.